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fresh. The Salary Adjusted car scheme that's better for everyone.

Introducing SalAd.

We have managed Salary Sacrifice schemes for over 10 years, and what became apparent was that they were very expensive, and rigid in structure. We wanted to build a product that gave the employees the lowest possible cost, reduce the cost/reliability on expensive 'insurance' products, with the option of tailored schemes to truly meet the companies needs...SalAd was born.

Employee benefits.

  • Go green!

    Live pricing from 5 funders, giving your employees the lowest cost benefit in the market.

  • Simple process.

    Employee portal and Helpdesk for ordering and operating their vehicle.

  • Save £000's.

    Great savings from Sal Sac with the additional benefit of the best price in market (live market pricing).

  • All inclusive - only electric to pay for.

    Road Tax, MOT, Servicing, Tyres, Insurance, Breakdown Assistance, and Accident management ALL included.

  • No deposit. No credit checks. Low BiK.

    Online, fully digital process, with employee App.

Employer benefits.

  • Lifestyle protection

    Low risk, driving licence checks, and motor insurance included.

  • Cost Effective

    Leading benefit giving employees access to very cost-effective cars, via Multi-bid.

  • Inclusive

    All-employee scheme (subject to earnings threshold), Spouse/second cars, utilise cash allowance, replace perk car schemes.

  • Standard or Bespoke schemes

    Utilisation of fleet insurance. Lifestyle protection of clientsaving contingency. Inclusion of fleet discount terms. Cars can be reallocated into company car fleet.

  • Save money

    It delivers huge savings for you and your employees. Significantly reduces the carbon footprint for your business and employees, including commute.

  • Light touch

    The scheme is fully managed and administrated by us.

Looking for the green light to great savings? Get in touch now.

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